Фаленопсисы Гибриды Фаленопсисов who is who


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48 057
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Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Jan Beene Phal Pat Darby Phal amboinensis
Phal Elizabeth Midkiff Phal Georgia Remaly Phal Mary Erdman
Phal Carleen Bell Phal Georgia Remaly Phal Bruce Shaffer
Phal Riverbend Garnet Drops Phal Cloud of Butterflies Phal amboinensis
Phal Gemstones Winged Beauty Phal Cloud of Butterflies Phal amabilis
Phal Betty Ho Phal Pat Miranda Phal Winter Dawn
Phal Laksi Beauty Phal Panudda Phal Phuket Beauty
Phal Roberta Dorward Phal Jeanette Crockette Phal Doris
Phal Beautiful Dawn Phal Grand City Phal Winter Dawn
Phal Kinu White Bear Phal Grand City Phal Hatsuyuki
Phal Boulder Belle Phal Fancy Pants Phal amboinensis
Phal Pebble Beach Phal Xylophone Phal Darleen
Phal Beryl Robertson Phal Wild Honey Phal Golden Duplicate
Phal Hi-Belt Phal Terry-Beth Ballard Phal amboinensis
Phal Ben Hu Phal Terry-Beth Ballard Phal Madrid
Phal Bertha Noreen Phal Terry-Beth Ballard Phal Elportal
Phal Brecko Barbeth Phal Terry-Beth Ballard Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Doctor Herbert Wong Phal Satin Blanc Phal Joseph Hampton
Phal Circus Beauty Phal Pink Circus Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Little Strawberry Phal Paifangs Queen Phal equestris
Phal Beehive Pass Phal Maria Vasquez Phal Polar Bear
Dtps Orglades Blonde Belle Phal Malibu Impromptu Dtps Lady Jewel
Phal Honeybee Phal Layla Beard Phal Mambo
Phal Ella Beard Phal Layla Beard Phal Ella Freed
Phal Brecko Butterbest Phal Freedoms Best Phal amboinensis
Phal Beck Phal Cathy Owens Phal Virginia Anderson
Dtps Taichung Beauty Dtps Welcome Phal Freeds Dazzler
Dtps George Bennett Dtps Welcome Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman
Dtps Pink Bells Dtps Malibu Queen Dor pulcherrima
Rnthps Eljobean Surprise Phal Surprise Ren imschootiana
Phal Bangkok Beauty Phal Spring Showers Phal Grace Palm
Phal Jennifer Beard Phal Ruby Zada Phal Wendy Beard
Phal Charles Bee Phal Raymond Brown Phal Memoria Elaine Thornton
Phal Ackers Beauty Phal Purity Phal White Gull
Phal Ambassador Benedicto Phal Polar Pass Phal Barbetta Bell
Phal Elizabeth Hon Phal Pamela Martin Phal Artemis
Phal Helen Sim Beelian Phal Mount Kaala Phal Snow Mountain
Phal Snow Bells Phal Mount Kaala Phal Patrick Jon
Phal Freedoms Best Phal Malibu Hope Phal Muriel Turner
Phal Lukang Beauty Phal Lukang Luck Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Layla Beard Phal Lois Jansen Phal Pin Up Girl
Phal Winter Belle Phal Kauai Palm Phal Richard Shaffer
Phal Terry-Beth Ballard Phal Irene Van Alstyne Phal Ruby Zada
Phal Memoria Gershwin Abe Phal Hawaiian Clouds Phal Cherokee
Phal Creole Belle Phal Diane Rigg Phal Zadian
Phal Mabel Russell Phal Diane Rigg Phal Doris Kuhn
Dtps John Arterberry Phal Denise Richardson Dtps Herman Pigors
Phal Via Buena Umber Phal Via Southcoast Buddha Phal Deventeriana
Phal Arizona Amber Phal Golden Gift Phal Deventeriana
Phal Lins Beauty Phal Sus Red Lip Phal mariae
Phal Camba Beauty Phal Phuket Beauty Phal modesta
Phal Lalita Belle Phal Phuket Beauty Phal Aldebaran
Phal Striped Beauty Phal Michael Kaskas Phal amboinensis
Phal Alberta Golddust Phal Golden Buddha Phal Caguas Tiger
Phal Su-An Snow Beauty Phal Malibu Beauty Phal Richard Shaffer
Phal Elisabeth Eibisch Phal Mae Catherine Conklin Phal Elinor Shaffer
Phal China Best Girl Phal Lucky Lady Phal Sus Red Lip
Phal Betelgeuse Phal Kay Star Phal gigantea
Phal Phuket Beauty Phal Jessica Mcdonald Phal Queen Emma
Phal Dipang-Beauty Phal Dipang Ruby Lips Phal gigantea
Phal Beverly Lista Phal Cher Ann Phal amboinensis
Phal Emerald Sherbert Phal Cher Ann Phal Golden Pride
Phal Larry Oberhaus Phal Bandleader Phal equestris
Phal Mary Beth Weber Phal Red Lip Phal Show Girl
Dtps Malaysian Beauty Phal Orchid Acres Dor pulcherrima
Phal Bedlam Phal Mildred Karleen Phal Princess Grace
Phal Bettye Langley Phal Malibu Ecstasy Phal fasciata
Phal Dixie Belle Phal Crimson Kisser Phal Cher Ann
Phal Malibu Beauty Phal Ann Hatter Phal Show Girl
Phal Molly Bee Phal Aglow Phal Layla Beard
Dtps Crushed Berry Dtps Coral Gleam Dtps Red Maid
Phal Beautiful Zada Phal Zada Phal Terdoreen
Phal Bronze Beauty Phal Zada Phal Bronze Maiden
Dtps Herman Goldberg Phal Zada Dtps Susan Ann Schubert
Dtps Memoria Clarence Schubert Phal Zada Dor pulcherrima
Phal Elizabeth Trevor Phal Winnie Lam Phal Memoria Loke Sokeen
Phal Herbert Shipman Phal Tropic Breeze Phal Orchid Acres
Phal Vero Beach Phal Sharon Karleen Phal Martha
Phal Jungle Belle Phal Sharon Karleen Phal Gladys Read
Phal Barbara Ann Bensch Phal Overture Phal Ruby Lips
Dtps Elizabeth Waldheim Phal Lam Soon Dor pulcherrima
Phal Memoria Paul Beagle Phal Jimmy Arnold Phal Kimberly Odum
Phal Beauparc Phal Glacier Bay Phal Edie Wasserman
Phal Betty Ballard Phal David Herbert Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Catherine Belcuore Phal Clara I Knight Phal Elisabethae
Phal Lime Sherbert Phal Aristocrat Phal fimbriata
Phal Belinda Phal Aristocrat Phal Doris
Phal White Beauty Phal Aristocrat Phal Cast Iron Monarch
Phal Michael Oberling Phal Aristocrat Phal Boynton
Phal Bert Ives Phal Snowbird Phal Martha
Phal Elisabeth Schwarzkopf Phal Rosy Cloud Phal Dawn Mist
Phal Vista Sherbet Phal Rainbow Sherbet Phal Justice Douglas
Rnthps Roberta Schechter Phal Mrs Anna Schechter Ren monachica
Phal Beatrice Burns Phal Misty Clouds Phal mannii
Phal La Belle Phal Marmouset Phal schilleriana
Phal David Herbert Phal Marmouset Phal equestris
Phal September Morn Phal Marmouset Phal Pink Cloud
Phal Lewis Barber Phal Barbara Beard Phal Hylam
Dtps Red Beard Phal Barbara Beard Dtps Red Coral
Phal Barbara Beard Phal Virginia Phal Zada
Phal Wilma Beard Phal Virginia Phal Marmouset
Phal Virginia Beard Phal Virginia Phal Barbara Beard
Phal Raspberry Sherbert Phal Peach Parfait Phal Zada
Phal Rainbow Sherbet Phal Painted Desert Phal gigantea
Phal Riverbends Desert Gold Phal Painted Desert Phal Golden Pride
Phal Lemforde Red Beauty Phal Mrs Mar Phal amboinensis
Phal Abou Ben Adam Phal Happy Birthday Phal amboinensis
Dtps Beautiful Phal Happy Birthday Dor pulcherrima
Phal Zaubernuss Phal Seestern Phal amboinensis
Phal Memoria Robert Greenlees Phal Liz Greenlees Phal Deventeriana
Phal Bernstein Phal Barbara Moler Phal Mambo
Phal Globe Trotter Phal William Smith Phal Edie Wasserman


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Betsy Turner Phal Tyler Carlson Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Lins Formosa Beach Phal Spotted Moon Phal amabilis
Phal Carolina Yellow Beam Phal Spotted Moon Phal Corona
Phal Amber Snow Phal Snowdrift Phal Ambomanniana
Phal Ben Wheeler Phal Pisgah Star Phal Diana Hartman
Phal Beauty Barbara Phal Malibu Optimists Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Laura Belle Phal Lauralin Phal Ohio Belle
Phal Renee Gerber Phal Jane Le Noir Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Kimberly Odum Phal Hazel Mcquerry Phal Wilma Hughes
Phal Isabella Loughlin Phal Gold Nugget Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Off Beat Phal Cabrillo Star Phal mariae
Phal Bettys Corn Phal Betty Conroy Phal corningiana
Phal Pisgah Beauty Phal Autumn Gold Phal Evelyn Weaver
Phal Lacombe Leopard Phal Allegria Phal Hymen
Phal Vallebeauty Phal Nivea Phal Grace Palm
Phal Amber Sands Phal Susan Merkel Phal fasciata
Phal Golden Babe Phal Susan Merkel Phal Mannicata
Phal Silver Belle Phal Silver Anniversary Phal Laura Belle
Phal Belgium Lace Phal Rosemary Shaffer Phal amboinensis
Phal Betty Sexton Phal Richard Shaffer Phal Michael Anthony Bross
Phal Madalene Fobert Phal Ramona Phal Sonja
Phal Green Belle Phal Quality Belle Phal Green Valley
Phal Ambo-Bear Phal Polar Bear Phal amboinensis
Phal Surabaya Beauty Phal Polar Bear Phal Tretes Beauty
Phal Ben Watts Phal Kauai Phal Pacific Princess
Phal Freeds Bedevilled Phal Kauai Phal Norman Peterson
Phal Helen Stroebel Phal Pin Up Girl Phal javanica
Phal Beatriz Algarra Ford Phal Patricia Neal Phal Edie Wasserman
Rnthps Bernice Voelker Phal Norman Peterson Ren monachica
Phal Elizabeth Tudor Phal Norman Peterson Phal Evangeline
Phal Robert Plank Phal Nicol Jean Orear Phal Edie Wasserman
Dtps Belle Glade Phal Masu Hamacher Dtps Pink Jewel
Phal Memoria Betty Mccartney Phal Mantilla Phal Norman Peterson
Phal Betsy Rue Phal Madrid Phal Sonja
Phal Cosmo-Mabel Phal Mabel Phal amboinensis
Phal Elizabeth Dioszegi Phal Linda Mia Phal amboinensis
Phal Berchtesgaden Phal Keith Shaffer Phal Schone Von Unna
Phal Patti Belgarde Phal Janet Kuhn Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Arabesque Phal Janet Kuhn Phal lindenii
Phal Forgotten Beauty Phal Janet Kuhn Phal amboinensis
Phal Isabelle Jeffery Phal Gladys Read Phal Elmer Carlson
Phal Betty Sistrunk Phal Gertrude Homsher Phal Spica
Phal Ohio Belle Phal Erick Hansen Phal Keith Shaffer
Phal Celebes Dancer Phal Ella Freed Phal celebensis
Phal Robert Ragan Phal Ella Freed Phal Intermedia
Phal Porcelain Beauty Phal Eileen Kaye Phal Patricia Neal
Phal Robert Pigors Phal Edythe Wood Phal Salamonca
Phal David Bennett Phal Darren Bennett Phal fasciata
Phal Sonja Bennett Phal Darren Bennett Phal Sonja
Phal Memoria Marie Schubert Phal Concorde Phal Marie Boner
Phal Memoria Paul Deutschberger Phal Concorde Phal Juanita
Phal Tretes Beauty Phal Concorde Phal Betty Conroy
Phal Mary Isabel Lande Phal Clyde Phal Ramona
Phal Durward Belmont White Phal Cathrine Pillsbury Phal Quality Belle
Phal Bertie De Martini Phal Bruce Shaffer Phal Linda Mia
Phal Betty Conroy Phal Bruce Shaffer Phal Gladys Read
Phal Dorothy Von Belding Phal Bruce Shaffer Phal Cathrine Pillsbury
Phal Robert Stephan Phal Barcelona Phal Richard Shaffer
Phal Arctic Belle Phal Barbetta Bell Phal Polar Bear
Phal Radiant Beauty Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman Phal javanica
Phal Zuma Belle Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman Phal Pin Up Girl
Phal Bernice Lindner Phal Alice Gloria Phal Sunfire
Phal Hawaiian Lumberman Phal Alice Gloria Phal Dale
Phal Albert Goslow Phal Alice Gloria Phal Baguio
Dtps Robert Winkelmann Dtps Susan Ann Schubert Phal Edythe Wood
Dtps Freeds Beautiful Girl Dtps Fire Cracker Dor pulcherrima
Rnthps Limberlost Phal Doreen Ren Kilauea
Phal Queensland Beauty Phal Doreen Phal Spring Showers
Bdra Gertrude Beard Bdra Charles Beard Phal Amber Sands
Stmra Brown Berry Rnthps Elaine Noa Ascda Mini Wendy Koh
Phal Memoria Bob Betts Phal Terri Cook Phal Lillie Wooldridge


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Tahoe Belle Phal Terri Cook Phal Hermosa
Dtps Spring Beauty Phal Springtime Dor pulcherrima
Phal Paifangs Beryl Phal Show Girl Phal mannii
Rnthps Amber Gem Phal Serenity Ren Brookie Chandler
Phal Eisberg Phal Sea Mist Phal Alice Gloria
Phal Ann Beal Phal Ruby Lips Phal Rising Sun
Phal Kuchibeni Phal Queen Emma Phal White Virgin
Phal Serenity Beach Phal Palm Beach Phal Serenity
Dtps Susan Ann Schubert Phal Palm Beach Dor pulcherrima
Phal Beauregard Phal Nuel N Songer Phal Ramona
Rnthps Betty Record Phal Margaret Keoughan Ren Brookie Chandler
Phal Wendy Beard Phal Louise Georgianna Phal Ruby Lips
Phal Memoria Arthur Ellenberg Phal Joseph Hampton Phal Radiant Moon
Phal Chartreuse Beauty Phal Joseph Hampton Phal Golden Liz
Phal Memoria Anna Bettencourt Phal Joseph Hampton Phal Charles Bishop
Rnthps Malibu Beach Phal Grace Palm Ren storiei
Phal Irene Kleber Phal Grace Palm Phal Star of Rio
Phal Herbert Boone Phal Grace Palm Phal Martha Daniels
Phal Mabel Phal Grace Palm Phal Keith Shaffer
Phal Modest Beauty Phal Fairway Park Phal Venus
Phal Hausermanns Moonbeam Phal Fairway Park Phal Charles Shaffer
Phal Robert Green Phal Fairway Park Phal Cathrine Pillsbury
Phal White Bear Pass Phal Elinor Shaffer Phal Polar Bear
Dres Robert Phal Dos Pueblos Rngm Red Delight
Phal Quality Belle Phal Dos Pueblos Phal Terri Cook
Phal Gertrude Beard Phal Dos Pueblos Phal Susan Merkel
Phal Barbetta Bell Phal Dos Pueblos Phal Palm Beach
Phal Dan Beard Phal Dos Pueblos Phal Louise Georgianna
Phal Yonbe Lin Phal Dos Pueblos Phal General Ku
Phal Mabel Allard Phal Chieftain Phal fuscata
Phal Herbert Von Steimker Phal Cast Iron Monarch Phal White Bear Pass
Phal Sarah Beth Phal Cast Iron Monarch Phal Malibu Guide
Phal Polar Bear Phal Cast Iron Monarch Phal Elinor Shaffer
Phal Darren Bennett Phal Capitola Phal Dos Pueblos
Phal Patience Benjamin Phal Boynton Phal Louis Merkel
Phal Hecube Phal Blizzard Phal Polaire
Phal Palmbel Phal Belvedere Phal Palm Beach
Phal Belvedere Belle Phal Belvedere Phal Joanna Magale
Dtps Belvedere Beauty Phal Belvedere Dor pulcherrima
Rnthps Memoria Beverly Fontenot Phal Barbara Kay Ren Brookie Chandler
Dtps Be Happy Dtps Red Coral Phal Arthur Freed
Bdra Charles Beard Dtps Red Coral Asctm miniatum
Phal Benson Victory Phal Winged Victory Phal amabilis
Phal Benita Phal Winged Victory Phal Memoria Nasu Tomoguchi
Phal Caribbean Gold Phal Summit Snow Phal Golden Louis
Phal Bette Franz Phal R H Montgomery Phal Wilma Hughes
Phal Belvedere Phal R H Montgomery Phal Palm Beach
Phal Queen Bess Phal Monarch Beth Phal Cast Iron Monarch
Phal Mar Beach Phal Martha Phal Palm Beach
Phal Nancy Bent Phal La Canada Phal Bataan
Moir Sunbeam Phal Doris Rntda Gold Nugget
Phal Robert Swenson Phal Doris Phal Elinor Shaffer
Phal Palm Beach Phal Doris Phal Cast Iron Monarch
Phal Strawberry Cream Phal Doris Phal Autumn Glow
Phal Boulder Beach Phal Boulderi Phal Palm Beach
Phal Ruth Bell Phal Atala Phal Grace Palm
Phal Bernadette Phal Apparition Phal Regina
Phal Pink Beauty Phal Alpha Phal Monique
Vdnps Elizabeth Ann Phal Elisabethae V sumatrana
Phal Monarch Beth Phal Elisabethae Phal Cast Iron Monarch
Phal Elisabethae Phal rimestadiana Phal amabilis
Hgra Snow Beauty Dtps Memoria Val Rettig V Rasri Gold
Phal Phebe Phal Adonis Phal schilleriana
Phal Benjy Phal Tigerette Phal Samba
Phal Esta Belcher Phal mariae Phal Intermedia
Phal Bella Phal Hymen Phal schilleriana
Phal Robert W Miller Phal sanderiana Phal lindenii
Phal Hebe Phal sanderiana Phal equestris
Phal Thomas Walter Herbert Phal Samba Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Beauty Spots Phal Eye Dee Phal Deventeriana
Phal Proud Belle Phal Mahogany Belle Phal Golden Pride
Phal Struber Rose Phal Ambomanniana Phal Venus
Phal Mahogany Belle Phal lueddemanniana Phal Spica
Phal Walter Beville Phal lueddemanniana Phal Samba
Phal Bessmann Phal lueddemanniana Phal Bess Wells
Vdnps Kliwon Limabelas Phal Boediardjo V Mimi Palmer
Rnthps Isabella Phal laycockii Ren imschootiana
Dvra Anita Benson Phal laycockii Ascda Flamboyant Emma
Phal Bernice Maskin Phal gigantea Phal equestris
Phal Jean Lambert Phal Mirth Phal Golden Pride
Phal Robert Combremont Phal fuscata Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Vickie Elaine Bensch Phal Veitchiana Phal amboinensis
Phnta Anna Bettencourt Phal Veitchiana Neof falcata
Phal Ambersol Phal Schillambo Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Bess Wells Phal Rothschildiana Phal amabilis
Dtha Somthawil Beauty Dor pulcherrima Ren Nancy Chandler
Vdnps Linden Beauty Vdnps Pang Nyuk Yin V sanderiana
Vdnps Petite Beige Phal denevei V concolor
Entra Forever Amber Phal denevei Rnps Thangkama Verghese
Dres Dark Beauty Phal denevei Rngm Red Delight
Phal Celebes Treasure Phal Anthony The Phal celebensis
Phal Silbergrube Phal celebensis Phal equestris
Phal Gelblieber Phal amboinensis Phal micholitzii
Srnps Joy Bells Phal equestris Sarco Lois
Phal Courbet Phal Arcturus Phal Zauberrose
Phal Paul Bert Phal Arpege Phal Spitzberg
Dtps Killesberg Phal As De Pique Dtps Mosel
Phal Sorbet De Valec Phal Aurore Boreale Phal Sortilege
Phal Frances Roberts Phal Barry Eamer Phal Ann Marie Beard
Phal Okeechobee Phal Barry Eamer Phal Veitchiana
Phal Uzbek Phal Betty Beard Phal Clara Birk
Phal Beethovens Appassionata Phal Bill Zauber Phal Flor de Mato
Dtps Betty Whitman Phal Brazilian Glow Dtps Coral Gleam
Phal Mirabelle Phal Caledonia Phal Ida Fukumura
Phal Raspberry Phal Carmelas Gem Phal Elayne
Phal Fajens Raspberry Torte Phal Carmelas Gem Phal Linotte
Dtps Brother Isabel Phal Carmelas Spots Dtps Okay Seven
Phal Olga Berney Phal Carmelas Stripe Phal Ori
Phal Memoria Joseph Bettencourt Phal Cherimoya Night Phal Hokuspokus
Phal Tsuei You Beauty Phal Chiali Freed Phal Liu Tuen-Shen
Phal Rong Guan Beauty Phal Chiali Freed Phal Matou Rose
Dtps Houpi Beauty Phal Chiali Stripe Dtps Tsuei You Queen
Phal Chambery Phal Creme Chantilly Phal Charleval
Phal Mattie Mae Chambers Phal Dee Haberlitz Phal Clyde
Phal Elizabeth Dunn Phal Dee Haberlitz Phal Golden Sands
Phal Patsy Barber Phal Doriana Phal Marmouset
Phal Canberra Phal Dorothy Lee Phal Lippeklang
Phal Amber Woodson Phal Elise de Valec Phal Cataracte
Phal Miriam Bell Bailey Phal Elise de Valec Phal Goldiana
Phal Dale Hallberg Phal Elise de Valec Phal Irma Anesi
Phal Brandy Bennett Phal Fandangos Darlin Phal Diane Rigg
Phal Oberon Phal Far Horizon Phal Jane Seymour
Phal Bumbleberry Phal Far Horizon Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Paskal Bertitik Phal Fenny Phal corningiana
Phal Golden Beach Phal Fenton Davis Avant Phal mannii
Dtps Mei Dar Beauty Phal Frisson Dtps Red Eagle
Phal Struberle Phal Frisson Phal equestris
Phal Struber Gig Phal Frisson Phal lindenii
Phal Herbert Strolin Phal Goleta Phal Louise Georgianna
Phal White Beach Phal Goleta Phal Susan Merkel
Dtps Raspberry Ice Phal Great Western Dtps Murray Spencer
Phal Yukimais Heartbeat Phal Heartbeat Phal Yukimai


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Beholders Eyes Phal Hos Fancy Leopard Phal Eye Dee
Dtps Jeanne Albert Phal Hokuspokus Dtps Norman Bove
Phal Beauport Phal Hokuspokus Phal Cabrillo Star
Phal Beauchamp Phal Hokuspokus Phal Jane Seymour
Phal La Ville Abbe Phal Hokuspokus Phal Trodais
Phal Adalberts Dream Phal Ida Fukumura Phal Morgenrot
Phal Strawberry Ice Phal Ida Fukumura Phal Strawberry Frost
Phal Carolina Blushing Beauty Phal Ida Fukumura Phal Yolanda Josefa Wever
Phal Riverbends Pink Pearl Phal Ida Fukumura Phal equestris
Phal Carolina Spring Beauty Phal Ida Fukumura Phal philippinense
Phal Zauberrjoy Phal Joyau Phal Zauberrose
Phal Robert Bauman Phal Kathleens Supreme Phal Professor Magdi Yacoub
Phal Bradleys Betsy Leigh Phal Lauren Carter Phal Alpine Dawn
Phal Beginners Winner Phal Lolita Phal Simply Smashing
Phal Rebecca Arditti Phal Melissa Dawn Phal Jennifer Beard
Phal Bernadine Phal Memoria Margaret Dubas Phal Joan Kaye
Phal Zauberstripe Phal Midstripe Phal Zaubergloria
Phal Franz Schubert Phal Neon Stripes Phal Georges Seurat
Phal Bernadette Chirac Phal Opaline Phal Genevieve de Preville
Phal Alberta Opal Phal Opaline Phal Juanita
Phal Maxine Beauty Phal Opaline Phal Maxine Louise
Phal Albertville Phal Opaline Phal Savoie
Phal Riviera Beach Phal Palm Beach Rouge Phal Elisa
Phal Ann Marie Beard Phal Palm Beach Rouge Phal Rosada
Phal Herbert Johstono Phal Pasadena Phal Hollywood
Phal Memoria Albert Licis Phal Perfect Choice Phal Lac La Nonne
Phal Riverbends Ruby Phal Petit Bois Phal Abendrot
Phal Valberg Phal Petit Prince Phal Redfan
Phal Betty Dela Cruz Phal Pink Cheers Phal Memoria Woody Marceil
Dtps Struber Herz Ass Phal Polarlicht Dtps Lynda Rae Resnick
Phal Struber Welt Phal Polarlicht Phal Stadt Trier
Phal Taisuco Abenrose Phal Queen Rose Phal Abendrot
Phal Dainty Betty Phal Queen Rose Phal Lippegruss
Phal Beau Vista Phal Radiance Phal Rae Rae
Phal Amber Sky Phal Radiant Glow Phal mannii
Phal October Moon Phal Raptigny Phal Mount Cone
Phal Riverbend Celtic Frost Phal Riverbend Elfin Frost Phal amabilis
Phal Terry Teruko Robertson Phal Robin Phal mariae
Phal Father Albert Phal Roja Phal Shaffers Pinkie
Phal Bella Rosa Phal Rosa Bonheur Phal Rudi Fischer
Phal Strawberry Rose Phal Rose Crystal Phal Strawberry Frost
Phal Bee In Phal Ruby Wells Phal Eric Holttum
Phal Zauberwells Phal Ruby Wells Phal Lippezauber
Phal Bergeronnette Phal Sabine Phal Samba
Phal Memoria Mabel Betzold Phal Saera Loeb Phal Memoria Lawrence Baker
Phal Bukit Besi Phal Seagull Phal Grace Palm
Phal Dolores Weber Phal Seagull Phal Wilma Hughes
Phal Riverbends Snow Berries Phal Snow Leopard Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Riverbend Snow Silk Phal Snow Leopard Phal Debra Marcy
Phal Virginia Bell Phal Snow Leopard Phal Hausermanns Goldcup
Phal Strawberry Smoothie Phal Snow Leopard Phal Sundial
Phal Strawberry Sugar Phal Strawberry Frost Phal Abendrot
Phal Robert Brown Phal Summa Phal David Loeb
Phal Isabella Phal Summa Phal Fortune Buddha
Phal Sweetberry Phal Sweet Cranberry Phal Abendrot
Phal Darkberry Phal Sweet Cranberry Phal Malibu Girl
Phal In The Berries Phal Sweet Cranberry Phal Margit Moses
Phal Iceberry Phal Warm Heart Phal Prairie Sunset
Phal Westfalenzauber Phal Westfalica Phal Lippezauber
Phal Windsongs Berries Phal Windsongs Gem Phal Berries n Cream
Dtps Cumberland Dtps Kraton Phal Nancy Reagan
Dtps Miva Bella Dtps Miva Marlise Dtps Miva Martapi
Dtps Kobe Dtps Orglades Party Magic Phal Zuma Happiness
Dtps Berwyn Dtps Ramsden Phal Pocos Valentine
Dtps Sogo Lit-Beauty Dtps Sun Prince Phal equestris
Dtps Taiwan Beauty Rose Dtps Ta Bei Chou Phal Zauberrose
Dtps Bedazzled Phal Adelines Rose Dtps Inverness Firebrand
Phal Rose Beauty Phal Adelines Rose Phal Sundial
Phal Burgundy Moonbeam Phal Ann Marie Beard Phal Choice Vintage
Phal Iberia Phal Ann Marie Beard Phal Jimmy Mize
Phal William Beard Phal Ann Marie Beard Phal Redwing
Phal Beards Sunshine Phal Ann Marie Beard Phal Texas Sun
Phal Amber Smile Phal Antarctic Sunrise Phal Balence
Phal Memoria Betty Burke Phal Bill Burke Phal Goldiana
Phal Struber Red Lip Phal Bischofswiesen Phal Struber Streifen
Dtps Shin Sheh Beauty Phal Blue Wave Dtps Sun Heart
Dtps Hamakita Beauty Phal Bright Lights Dtps Odoriko
Phal Sophie Berthalot Phal Calin Phal Marquise
Phal Raspberry Speckles Phal Cataracte Phal Abendrot
Dtps Mythic Beauty Phal Chamonix Dtps Orglades Puff
Phal Struber Bergfeuer Phal Charleston Phal Ambomanniana
Phal Struber Roulette Phal Charleston Phal Roulette
Phal Struber Munze Phal Charleston Phal Schwarzwald
Phal Rebecca Of Sunnybrook Phal Cherry Dawn Phal In The Pink
Phal Daryl Beard Phal Cindy Brandt Phal Dos Pueblos
Phal Moon Probe Phal Cindy Brandt Phal fuscata
Phal Bel Ami Phal Danse Phal Ronde
Phal Lippezauber Phal Doris Wells Phal Zada


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Riverbends Golden Elf Phal Dorothy Martin Phal equestris
Phal Lac Du Flambeau Phal DuPage Phal Uvaldo
Phal Arthur Bettencourt Phal Early Dawn Phal Ackers Inspiration
Dtps Arabella Phal Elayne Dtps Eyes
Phal Sunset Beauty Phal Elisa Phal Linda Cheok
Phal Zitelle Tibell Phal Elisa Phal Pink Cloud
Phal Krulls Raspberry Phal Estrellita Phal Zauberrot
Ascps Gertie Beard Phal Frances Roberts Asctm miniatum
Phal Robert Perri Phal Gail Perri Phal Robert Cich
Phal Orchidland Berrybush Phal Georges Seurat Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Mivabel Phal Georges Seurat Phal Entrechat
Phal Ichibelle Phal Georges Seurat Phal Sabine Queen
Dtps Amy Campbell Phal Georgia Seaman Dtps Jason Beard
Dtps Ava Beynon Phal Golden Sands Dtps Nineteen Fourteen Class
Phal Matecumbe Treasure Phal Golden Sands Phal Anita Young
Phal Oberhausen Gold Phal Golden Sands Phal Golden Amboin
Phal Memoria Betty Bohne Phal Golden Sands Phal James McPherson
Phal Oberling Sands Phal Golden Sands Phal Michael Oberling
Phal Prairie Beurre Phal Golden Sands Phal mannii
Dtps Quebec Phal Hausermanns Candy Dtps Vimoroch
Dtps Raspberry Sugar Phal Hausermanns Candy Dtps Wilma Finney
Phal Walter Bettencourt Phal Hausermanns Candy Phal Baron Carlson
Phal Imperial Moonbeams Phal Hausermanns Candy Phal Hausermanns Chicago
Phal Thomas Weber Phal Hausermanns Candy Phal Kathryn Saltzman
Phal Suki Kroeber Phal Hausermanns Charity Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Raspberry Splendor Phal Hawaiian Legend Phal Mae Hitch
Phal Beaudelaire Phal Hedy Maerkl Phal Lipperose
Phal Cranberry Ramble Phal Impressionniste Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Bellville Phal Janet Murchison Phal Langtry
Phal Lehua Beauty Phal Lehua Lei Phal equestris
Phal New Berry Phal Line Renaud Phal Lucky Lady
Phal Plum Beauty Phal Lipperose Phal Dorisellita
Phal Bettencourts Beauty Phal Lipperose Phal Joseph Hampton
Phal Karin Stoiber Phal Lipperose Phal Karfunkel
Phal Zauberrose Phal Lipperose Phal Lippezauber
Phal Della Bel Krause Phal Luedde-Wave Phal Zada
Dtps Jason Beard Phal Mad Hatter Dtps Pueblo Jewel
Phal Bavarian Big Bertha Phal Mad Hatter Phal Bavarian Delight
Phal Best Decision Phal Mad Hatter Phal Memoria Daisy Cohen
Phal Oberhausen Nice Phal Mad Hatter Phal Sonnentau
Dtps Randall Belles Phal Margaret Harrison Dtps Melanie Beard
Phal Memoria Rachel Beck Phal Mariposa Phal Inspiration
Phal Beacon Stripe Phal Martha Odum Phal Terry-Beth Ballard
Phal Alice Chambers Phal Mattie Mae Chambers Phal Alice Gloria
Phal Crystabel Phal Mattie Mae Chambers Phal Anna Merkel
Dtps Elizabeth Louise Phal Mattie Shave Dtps Jim Hafer
Phal Caroline Oberling Phal Mattie Shave Phal Aristocrat
Phal Hengstebeck Phal Meridian Phal Schone Von Unna
Phal Sweet Liberty Phal Michas Child Phal Mivac Sweetissimo
Phal Sleeping Beauty Phal Monticello Phal Truly Yours
Phal Cedarberg Phal Naseweis Phal Schneewittchen
Phal Beach-Comber Phal Oberon Phal Fire-Water
Phal Betara Krisna Phal Oberon Phal Tretes Beauty
Phal Paifangs Beautiful Girl Phal Paifangs Mei-Lin Phal Freeds Danseuse
Dtps Happy Beauty Phal Paiho Lucky Stripe Dtps Happy Valentine
Dtps Winterzauber Phal Redfan Dtps Youthful
Phal Sussex Belle Phal Redfan Phal Brighton Belle
Phal Ribera Phal Redfan Phal Ella Freed
Phal Beaumont Phal Redfan Phal Jersey
Phal Zaubedan Phal Redfan Phal Zauberrose
Phal Riverbends Berry Nice Phal Riverbends Snow Berries Phal amabilis
Phal Maki Watanabe Phal Romance Miki Phal Otohime
Phal Rosenzauber Phal Rosenrot Phal Zauberrose
Phal Elizabeth Marshall Phal Roswell Phal Gladys Read
Phal Royal Beauty Phal Royal Pink Phal Linda Miller
Phal Ober Schlesien Phal Schlesien Phal Ratiborer Spass
Phal Darling Bee Phal Schone Opaline Phal Marchenfee
Phal Gelbe Opaline Phal Schone Opaline Phal amboinensis
Phal Holland Beauty Phal Snow Fan Phal Schneewittchen
Phal Fontanalbe Phal Spitzberg Phal Genevieve de Preville
Phal Belle De Jour Phal Spitzberg Phal Le Mondain
Phal Brecko Viewberg Phal Spitzberg Phal Orchidview Gold
Phal Beaulieu Phal Spitzberg Phal Vallehigh
Phal Colombe De Valec Phal Spitzberg Phal amboinensis
Phal New Pink Beginning Phal Toshio Fukumura Phal Lucky Pink
Phal Hausermanns Bella-Arte Phal Uvaldo Phal Hausermanns Ruby
Phal American Heartbeat Phal Welcome Line Phal Prairie Du Sac
Phal Beatie Greenfly Phal William Boyd Phal Virginia Beard
Phal Beatie Greenly Phal William Boyd Phal Virginia Beard
Phal Struber Strassenfete Phal Zum Steiner Phal Fifth Avenue
Dtps Miva Beaute Dtps Catamiva Phal Mivac Carissimo
Dtps Mount Beauty Dtps Hamakita Beauty Phal Mount Kaala
Dtps Dalin Beauty Dtps Hamakita Beauty Phal Pinlong Cardinal
Dtps Hsinying Beauty Dtps Happy Beauty Phal Ruey Lih Stripes
Dtps King Shiangs Beauty Dtps King Shiangs Coral Dtps King Shiangs Rose
Dtps Elizabeth Castle Dtps Maufant Dtps Rozel Bay
Dtps Sun-Chen Beauty Dtps Okay Seven Phal Isaribi
Dtps Orglades Bear Hug Dtps Orglades Puff Dtps Double Trouble
Dtps Struber Schneeball Dtps Orglades Puff Phal Berchtesgaden
Dtps Orglades Benchmark Dtps Orglades Puff Phal Caracas
Dtps Alberta Winter Dtps Orglades Puff Phal Winter Beauty
Dtps Plantation Beauty Dtps Orglades Tartan Phal Gallant Beau
Dtps Berry Strait Dtps Roman Joy Dtps Roman Cheer
Dtps Raspberry Swirl Dtps Somonauk Phal Hausermanns Chicago
Dtps Plumberry Glow Dtps Somonauk Phal Jamie Phillips
Dtps Memoria Gerald Berenberg Dtps Ton Jy Pecan Phal Barbara Moler
Dtps Susanne Sixberry Dtps Youthful Phal gigantea
Hgra Ruben Dtps Youthful V Onomea
Phal Betsie Gortz Phal Alaska Sunset Phal Astral
Phal Frances Margaret Weber Phal Andy John Phal Lucille Lundberg
Dtps Yoshicos Beauty Phal Arai Dtps Happy Valentine
Phal Strawberry Short-Cake Phal Arai Phal Okutama
Phal Paradise Belle Phal Artur Elle Phal Lady Doreen
Phal Memoria Sarah Robertson Phal California Glow Phal Gabriella
Phal Memoria Albert Schweitzer Phal California Glow Phal Spring Silk
Phal Gerald Stueben Phal Career Girl Phal Intermedia
Phal Doctor Robert Flynn Phal Career Girl Phal James McPherson
Phal Bertalee Phal Career Girl Phal Terri Finance
Phal Latin Beat Phal Cha-Cha Phal Music
Phal Donna Beukema Phal Chamade Phal Shirley Oppert
Phal Oberhausen Flair Phal Cher Monique Phal Flair
Phal Raspberry Sparkle Phal Comanche Phal DuPage Sun
Phal Cathedral Bells Phal Daryl Beard Phal Cathrine Pillsbury
Phal Hall-Beard Phal Daryl Beard Phal Jimmy Hall
Phal Betty Soars Phal Daryl Beard Phal Mantilla
Phal Freeds Beguiled Phal Debbie Wallace Phal Samba
Phal Barbara Elizabeth Phal Elizabeth Marshall Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Bradleys Kimberly Phal Eva Kruze Phal Pennant
Dtps Brian Beach Phal Eva Lou Dtps Happy Day
Dtps Beards Beauty Phal Eva Lou Dtps Melanie Beard
Phal Betty Feirer Phal Eva Lou Phal Cher Ann
Phal Salu Beauty Phal Golden Amboin Phal Sentra
Phal Doctor Klaus Beisenherz Phal Golden Amboin Phal amboinensis
Phal Oberhausen Sun Phal Golden Amboin Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Bel Royal Phal Golden Amboin Phal mariae
Phal Memoria Adalbert Bohne Phal Golden Barbara Phal Mambomania
Phal Sun Of Oberhausen Phal Golden Emperor Phal Paula Hausermann
Phal Marbella Phal Goldiana Phal Abendrot
Phal Stellar Beauty Phal Goldiana Phal Ella Freed
Phal Lake Benbrook Phal Goldiana Phal Striped Prince
Phal Amber Wave Phal Harvest Moon Phal amboinensis
Phal Lucille Lundberg Phal Hausermanns Cheri Phal Jamie Phillips


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Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Georgia Stueben Phal Hausermanns Freckles Phal Leslie Shaban
Dtps Beryl Debs Phal Hausermanns Passion Dtps Red Maid
Phal Strawberry Stripes Phal Jane Almquist Phal Hugo Freed
Phal Adobe Rose Phal Jane Almquist Phal Patti Logan
Dtps Bee Cave Phal Jean Mcfarlin Dtps Joseph Martin
Dtps Very Berry Phal Jean Mcfarlin Dtps Pink Demure
Phal Berries Jubilee Phal Jean Mcfarlin Phal Ackers Classic
Phal Pat Isobe Phal Karen Ann McFarlane Phal Pat Darby
Phal Gloria Heberling Phal Kristi Vanaman Phal Mab
Phal Beautiful Dreamer Phal Lac Du Flambeau Phal Linda Brock
Dtps Beaumont Place Phal Langtry Dtps Pink Blush
Phal Pink Sherbert Phal Linda Miller Phal Doris
Phal Crystal Bedford Phal Linda Miller Phal Malibu Harmony
Phal But Beautiful Phal Linda Miller Phal Polynesian Sunset
Phal Abendrot Phal Lippezauber Phal Lippstadt
Phal Zauberzada Phal Lippezauber Phal Zada
Phal Zauberrot Phal Lippezauber Phal Zauberrose
Dtps Tenma Beauty Doll Phal Lippstadt Dtps Tenma Beauty
Phal Beresford Phal Lippstadt Phal Saint Brelade
Phal Lowland Beauty Phal Lippstadt Phal schilleriana
Phal Belmont Phal Mab Phal Daryl Lockhart
Phal Gertrude Campbell Phal Mad Lips Phal Mildred Karleen
Phal Thailand Beauty Phal Madame Surin Phal Zada
Phal Struber Fruhling Phal Madella Phal Stadt Trier
Phal Strawberry Pink Phal Malibu Dignitary Phal Satin Rouge
Phal Alberta Surprise Phal Marcia Leigh Phal Juanita
Phal Brecko Marberry Phal Margit Moses Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Marbe Phal Marquise Phal Zauberrot
Phal Margie Berthet Phal Mary Ann Bogaert Phal Moon Probe
Phal Bertha Mcquerry Phal Mary Mcquerry Phal Shannon Donahoe
Phal Bellchester Phal Miami Maid Phal Ruby Lips
Phal Abendwolke Phal Minor Phal Zauberrot
Dtps Beasley Phal Moon Probe Dtps George Moler
Dtps Becky Fuller Phal Moon Probe Dtps James Hall
Dtps Liebelei Phal Niedersachsen Dtps Kristine Teoh
Phal Betty Shindler Phal Optimist Phal Fable
Phal Beth Katz Phal Optimist Phal Terry-Beth Ballard
Phal Holmes Beach Phal Optimist Phal Zwingli
Phal Reverberate Phal Oriental Tapestry Phal Royal Jazz
Phal Strawberry Love Phal Otohime Phal Bessmann
Phal Robert Hager Phal Portola Phal Muriel Turner
Phal Babe Lorenzen Phal Redwine Phal Juanita
Phal Ingebella Puerrer Phal Rodcos Lady Phal Josephine Knerr
Phal Mollies Roseberry Phal Roswell Rouge Phal Zauberrose
Phal Evelyn Bell Phal Sands Whim Phal Whitestone
Phal Zauberlehrling Phal Schwerte Phal fasciata
Phal Zumas Beauty Spot Phal Shirley Pendelton Phal Zuma Urchin
Phal Oregon Bells Phal Shirley Pendelton Phal celebensis
Phal Lauras Berries Phal Show Lights Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Bella Luna Phal Snowy River Phal Alice Gloria
Phal Bert Shelley Phal Suemid Phal Fiery
Phal Kankou Beauty Phal Tivoli Phal Abendrot
Phal Shelley Campbell Phal Utopia Phal Yolande Scott
Phal Alberta Newkirk Phal Virginia Newton Phal Odums Oasis
Phal Annabel Phal Zauberrose Phal Ella Freed
Phal Zauberfunken Phal Zauberrose Phal Karfunkel
Dtps Elisabeth Micha Dtps Cape Town Phal Nancy Ogburn
Dtps Taisuco Newbeauty Dtps Dalin Beauty Phal New Glad
Dtps Alberta Kerkela Dtps Eva Jones Dtps Welcome
Dtps Bernie Grimble Dtps George Moler Phal Betty Sistrunk
Dtps Taisuco Happybeauty Dtps Happy Valentine Dtps Yoshicos Beauty
Dtps Modern Beauty Dtps Happy Valentine Phal Abendrot
Dtps Kimberly Kmett Dtps Happy Valentine Phal Gallant Beau
Dtps Struber Classic Dtps Lynda Rae Resnick Phal maculata
Dtps Barbara Beauty Dtps Marguerite Tolpo Phal Tahoe Belle
Dtps Tabei Tonjy Dtps Mary Ames Dtps Kyoto
Dtps James Robert Burton Dtps Mary Ames Phal Faithe Knoll
Dtps Taisuco Odobeauty Dtps Mount Beauty Dtps Odoriko
Dtps All American Beauty Dtps Mount Beauty Phal All American
Dtps Taisuco Beautylip Dtps Mount Beauty Phal Crystal Harmony
Dtps Taisuco Morbeauty Dtps Mount Beauty Phal Morgenrose
Dtps Malvarosa Moonbeam Dtps Odoriko Phal Ella Freed
Dtps Melanie Beard Dtps Red Lip Dtps Pueblo Jewel
Dtps Moyo Beauty Dtps Yoshicos Beauty Phal equestris
Dtps Abenice Phal Abendrot Dtps Pretty Nice
Phal Strawberry Sunset Phal Abendrot Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Parade Abenfer Phal Abendrot Phal Bruce Shaffer
Phal Gallant Beau Phal Abendrot Phal David Loeb
Phal Brecko Abenton Phal Abendrot Phal Joseph Hampton
Phal Parade Abenbu Phal Abendrot Phal Malibu Parade
Phal Bel Croute Phal Abendrot Phal equestris
Phal Beloved Phal Andrew Hausermann Phal Pennant
Phal Venetian Embers Phal Bertha Mcquerry Phal Buddhas Gem
Phal Magical Beauty Phal Brian Carter Phal Fashion Plate
Phal Brother Cucumber Phal Brother Ann Phal Deventeriana
Phal Betty Riegler Phal Carole Curry Phal Rios Missy
Phal Rebecca Chadwick Phal Cascade Queen Phal Joseph Hampton
Phal Gypsy Belle Phal Challenger Phal Joseph Hampton
Dtps Beniko Phal Cosmetic Art Dtps Kyoto
Phal Cosmetic Zauber Phal Cosmetic Art Phal Zauberrot
Phal November Sixteenth Phal Daryl Lockhart Phal Golden Louis
Phal Bellaire Phal Daryl Lockhart Phal Henry Rothman
Phal Memoria Bessie Lockhart Phal David Lockhart Phal Evelyn Weaver
Phal Coastal Beauty Phal David Loeb Phal Zuma Champion
Phal Amber Enchantress Phal Enchantress Phal Lady Pearl
Phal Rusk Bay Beauty Phal Enchantress Phal Lippegruss
Phal Patricia Benjamin Phal Enchantress Phal Sugar Spun
Phal Kenneth Benjamin Phal Ernst Haussermann Phal Charles Shaffer
Phal Brandon Beauty Phal Ernst Haussermann Phal Hillsborough
Dtps Rebel Phal Fire-Water Dtps Inferno
Dtps Royal Robe Phal Flor de Mato Dor pulcherrima
Phal Memoria Gail Weber Phal Flor de Mato Phal Barbara George
Phal Mavis Kilbey Phal Flor de Mato Phal Evelyn Weaver
Phal Strawberry Kitten Phal Fortune Buddha Phal equestris
Phal Beulah Smith Phal Frances Mcclain Phal Vera Henderson
Phal Hong Kong Beauty Phal Freeds Danseuse Phal Pinlong Davis
Phal Kimberly Ann Phal Golden Vintage Phal Hausermanns Chicago
Phal Blushing Beauty Phal Hugo Freed Phal Blushing Lady
Phal Lesmana Beauty Phal Ida Ong Phal Viroonchan
Phal Beribboned Phal Imperatrice Phal Layla Lou
Phal Hawaiian Belle Phal Intimate Phal Chastity
Phal Isabel Cestero Phal Ixion Phal Jimmy Hall
Dtps Bette Thomas Phal James McPherson Dtps Lady Jewel
Phal Plantation Belle Phal James McPherson Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman
Phal Vision Of Beauty Phal James McPherson Phal Joy Forever
Phal Snow Bear Phal Jimmy Hall Phal Arctic Fox
Phal Bearpen Mountain Phal Jimmy Hall Phal amboinensis
Phal Robert Johnson Phal Kandy King Phal King Godwin
Phal Bayou Lacombe Phal Karleen Oaks Phal Painted Doll Wedding
Phal Lucinda Beneventi Findley Phal Katherine Frances Phal Freedoms Best
Phal Carol Campbell Phal Katherine Frances Phal Hausermanns Goldcup
Phal Breckinridge Bengal Phal Kathryn Saltzman Phal Ella Freed
Rnthps Beach Tiger Phal Kathryn Saltzman Rnthps Malibu Beach
Phal Lavender Striped Beauty Phal Lavender Ribbon Phal Magical Beauty
Phal Bellevue Phal Lesa Smith Phal Vera Henderson
Phal Sherrys Berries Phal Lippeglut Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Plantation Lippebeauty Phal Lippegruss Phal Coastal Beauty
Phal Plantation Beau Phal Lippegruss Phal Gallant Beau
Phal Hawaiian Believers Phal Lippegruss Phal equestris
Phal Berthasis Phal Margie Berthet Phal Oasis
Phal Celebes Wave Phal Mato Girl Phal celebensis
Dtps Queen Beer Phal Meteor Dor pulcherrima
Phal Zuma Beau Phal Mount Dora Phal Gallant Beau
Phal Robert Cich Phal Nancy Lockhart Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Elizabeth Harris Phal Nancy Lockhart Phal Peppermint
Phal Memoria Betty Jones Phal Nancy Lockhart Phal Winnie Price
Rnthps Howard Steven Ginsberg Phal Nancy Lockhart Ren Brookie Chandler
Phal Golden Beauty Phal Paifangs Auckland Phal amboinensis
Phal Zauber Talk Phal Passion Talk Phal Zauberrot
Phal Big Ben Phal Port Angeles Phal Lacey
Dtps Raving Beauty Phal Prairie Du Sac Dtps Maidens Blush
Phal Broadway Belle Phal Prairie Du Sac Phal Earth Angel


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Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Newberrys Choice Phal Rios Golden Ho Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Bedford Phal Round Rock Phal Cathy Owens
Phal Helenberg Gold Phal Shigeharu Fujii Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Brighton Belle Phal Silk Worm Phal Tarantella
Phal Veronique Bert Phal Sonnentau Phal amboinensis
Dtps Taisuco Dayberry Phal Strawberry Love Dtps Day Break
Dtps Betty Turner Phal Tungku Afzan Dtps Del Dios
Phal Carolina Burgundy Beauty Phal Tungku Afzan Phal Carolina Red Buddha
Phal Pocos Rouge Superbe Phal Tungku Afzan Phal Gallant Beau
Phal Elizabeth Tschida Phal Vera Henderson Phal Gladys Read
Phal Proud Beauty Phal Winona Jordon Phal amboinensis
Phal Winter Beauty Phal Winter Maiden Phal Ackers Beauty
Phal Paiho Snow Bear Phal Winter Maiden Phal Art Hall
Phal Melinda Weber Phal Yellow Marquis Phal Hausermanns Chicago
Phal Betty Bowles Phal Zachariah Phal Tahoe Belle
Phal Mabel Willing Phal Zephyr Phal Spica
Dtps Tenma Beauty Dtps Happy Day Phal Tenma Doll
Dtps Gladys Beard Dtps Melanie Beard Phal Gladys Read
Dtps Barbara Echabert Dtps Melanie Beard Phal Viroonchan
Dtps Arctic Beam Dtps Red Judy Phal Arthur Freed
Dtps Wedding Bell Dtps Wedding Candy Phal equestris
Dtps Wild Beauty Dtps Winneconne Phal Alfonso Ibarra
Phal Striking Beauty Phal Alfonso Ibarra Phal Tomah
Phal Portobelo Phal Ana Hernandez Phal Zuma Happiness
Phal Beautiful Music Phal Blushing Beauty Phal Music
Phal Berries n Cream Phal Breckinridge Snow Phal equestris
Phal Brother Elizabeth Phal Brother Cucumber Phal amboinensis
Phal Herbert Griffith Phal Denie Kelloggs Phal Polar Bear
Phal Riverbends Garnet Lip Phal Fujii Prince Phal Zuma Poem
Dtps Fairy Bell Phal Hausermanns Goldcup Dtps White Chiffon
Phal Carolina Yellow Bell Phal Hausermanns Goldcup Phal Hausermanns Golden Moon
Phal Elizabeth Ann Findley Phal Hausermanns Goldcup Phal Okee Snow
Dtps Rios Pink Beat Phal Joyce Bates Dtps Jeffry Hall
Phal Jeannie Bell Williams Phal Kenneth Benjamin Phal Spica
Phal Paskal Beauty Phal Lesmana Beauty Phal Phuket Beauty
Phal Dave Lambert Phal Malibu Festival Phal Music
Phal Newberry Glacier Phal Moon Snow Phal Katherine
Phal Tyson Beginning Phal Pinlong Flora Phal Zuma Coed
Phal Robert Buddha Phal Robert Cich Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Bev Carpenter Phal Robert Cich Phal Linda Hunter
Dtps Faberge Phal Snow Crystal Dtps Maidens Blush
Phal Betty Bradley Phal Teoh Phaik Khuan Phal Polar Bear
Phal Via Amberglow Phal Vista Lime Phal amboinensis
Phal Inverness Beauty Phal Winter Beauty Phal Jim Frederick
Phal Philippine Beauty Phal Winter Beauty Phal philippinensis
Phal Mary Best Phal Zuma Vista Phal Ann Moses
Dtps Aptos Beauty Dtps Charming Lady Phal Moon Festival
Dtps Bradleys Betty Pink Dtps Nancy Mcleod Phal Shannon Donahoe
Dtps Memoria Bertha Bendet Dtps Sunset Stripe Phal Joseph Hampton
Dtps Tomies Beauty Dtps Tenma Beauty Dtps Kyoto
Phal Riverbends Amber Beads Phal Berries n Cream Phal Riverbends Desert Gold
Phal Tiny Berries Phal Berries n Cream Phal equestris
Phal Beginners Champ Phal Champion White Phal Prairie Du Chien
Phal Struber Streifen Phal Irmgard Cramer Phal equestris
Phal Galaxy Beauty Phal Jamie Phillips Phal Tretes Beauty
Phal Robert Gorelick Phal Memoria Arthur Fishman Phal Golden Duplicate
Phal Hampshire Berries Phal Motorhead Phal equestris
Phal Beginners Show Phal Show Boat Phal Beginners Champ
Phal Caribbean Sun Phal Zuma Encore Phal Barbara Moler
Dtps Pisgah Belle Phal Memoria Thekla Johnson Dtps Lady Jewel
Dtps Beverly Hills Phal sumatrana Dtps Herman Pigors
Phal Robert Everet Jones Phal sumatrana Phal Arctic Belle
Phal Valberana Phal sumatrana Phal Valberg
Phal Barbara Bettencourt Phal sumatrana Phal Veitchiana
Phal Betty Matoney Phal sumatrana Phal Yellow Sands
Phal Elizabeth Todd Phal sumatrana Phal lueddemanniana
Phal StruberSpielerei Phal Ambotrana Phal Bischofswiesen
Phal Struber Emotion Phal Emotion Phal Charleston
Phal Green Bee Phal Golden Isles Phal Margie Lane
Phal Struber Sonnenreise Phal Kathy Kornahrens Phal Sonnentau
Phal Melle Belle Phal Bamboo Baby Phal Cathy Owens
Phal Better Butter Phal Bamboo Baby Phal Hampshire Butter
Phal Mambera de Caso Phal Bamboo Baby Phal Mambo
Phal Lemon Sherbet Phal Misty Green Phal Capitola
Phal Goldberry Phal Misty Green Phal Golden Amboin
Phal Brother Belle Phal Chiayi Spot Phal Joey
Phal Fireberry Phal Goldberry Phal Orange Blaze
Dtps Brecko Beinosa Phal venosa Dtps Ta Bei Chou
Phal Brecko Berrosa Phal venosa Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Brother Amber Phal venosa Phal Brother Canary
Phal Golden Bells Phal venosa Phal Golden Sands
Phal Parga Beach Phal venosa Phal Grace Palm
Phal Struber Bernstein Phal venosa Phal Helmi
Phal Olympias Golden Ember Phal venosa Phal Miniflash
Phal Memoria Ethel Berenberg Phal venosa Phal Orglades White Rage
Phal Temple Bells Phal venosa Phal Templed Hills
Phal Bergfeuer Phal venosa Phal Zum Steiner
Phal Oberhausen Smart Phal venosa Phal sumatrana
Phal Memoria Max Ellenberg Phal Ambonosa Phal Deventeriana
Phal Beyond the Sunset Phal Ambonosa Phal Hausermanns Goldcup
Phal Mistrals Goldenbob Bells Phal Bob Gordon Phal Golden Bells
Dtps Mistrals Goldpuff Bells Phal Golden Bells Dtps Zuma White Puff
Phal Mistrals Golden Abend Phal Golden Bells Phal Abendrot
Phal Brecko Lemonbell Phal Golden Bells Phal Brecko Snowdome
Phal Brecko Monbell Phal Golden Bells Phal Claude Monet
Phal Orchidview Bellringer Phal Golden Bells Phal Deventeriana
Phal Melodious Bells Phal Golden Bells Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Brecko Rosebell Phal Golden Bells Phal Guilford Rose
Phal Pimlico Bells Phal Golden Bells Phal Hausermanns Goldcup
Phal Mistrals Sunrise Bells Phal Golden Bells Phal Ida Fukumura
Phal Regal Bells Phal Golden Bells Phal Kings Ransom
Phal Jean Belue Phal Golden Bells Phal Wappaoola
Phal Mistrals Sunbell Tris Phal Golden Bells Phal equestris
Phal Carolina Golden Bells Phal Golden Bells Phal philippinense
Phal Riverbends Spice Berries Phal Golden Princess Phal Berries n Cream
Dtps Tropic Beauty Phal Pago Pago Dtps Esperanto
Dtps Kenneth Schubert Phal violacea Dor pulcherrima
Phlla Robert Weltz Phal violacea King philippinensis
Phal Bellatrix Phal violacea Phal Antarctic
Phal Memoria Lettie Berg Phal violacea Phal Bandleader
Phal Struber Charm Phal violacea Phal Cellinde
Phal Memoria Robert Rosenblum Phal violacea Phal Class President
Phal Grosbeak Phal violacea Phal George Vasquez
Phal Raspberry Jam Phal violacea Phal Golden Chief
Phal Hitomi Watanabe Phal violacea Phal Kinu White Bear
Phal Pale Beauty Phal violacea Phal Lady Doreen
Phal Struber Violine Phal violacea Phal Line Renaud
Phal Richard Hallberg Phal violacea Phal Lucifer
Phal Amber Violacea Phal violacea Phal Malaysian Star
Phal Alberta Sunset Phal violacea Phal Malibu Fascination
Phal Zuma Beauty Phal violacea Phal Mattie Mae Chambers
Phal Zuma Beach Phal violacea Phal Memoria Romaine Champagne
Phal Beach Violet Phal violacea Phal Palm Beach
Phal Alberta Chinook Phal violacea Phal Red Devil
Phal Royal Robe Phal violacea Phal Rothschildiana
Phal Stephan Sebeseri Phal violacea Phal San Marcos
Phal Abendstern Phal violacea Phal Vallehigh
Phal Keela Bettencourt Phal violacea Phal Yellow Marquis
Phal Bettylee Burke Phal violacea Phal Zada
Phal Zauberkoch Phal violacea Phal Zauberrose
Phal Celebes Violet Phal violacea Phal celebensis
Phal Bee Ridge Phal violacea Phal fuscata
Dtps Raspberry Glitter Dtps Kenneth Schubert Phal Fairway Park
Dtps Kimberly Hausermann Dtps Kenneth Schubert Phal Willowbrook
Phal Betty Leong Phal Batik Phal Teoh Tee Teong
Phal Lady Liberty Phal Carmen Coll Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman
Dtps Grebe Phal Cornings Violet Dtps Pretty Nice
Phal Dazzling Beauty Phal Cornings Violet Phal Hausermanns Ecstasy
Phal Ember Phal George Vasquez Phal Mahalo
Phal Radiant Ember Phal George Vasquez Phal Violet Charm
Phal Bewitched Phal Kathleen Edris Phal Queen Emma
Phal Memoria Herbert Stroy Phal Luedde-violacea Phal Deventeriana
Phal Auspice Beryl Phal Luedde-violacea Phal Spica
Phal Struber Dirndl Phal Luedde-violacea Phal equestris
Phal Faith Leebell Cowden Phal Luedde-violacea Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Strawberry Sundae Phal Malibu Heir Phal Sarah Rose
Phal How Wai Beng Phal Mok Choi Yew Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Ipoh Beauty Phal Penang Violacea Phal Sulaceous
Phal Leonard Bernstein Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Ambonosa
Phal Berrys Delight Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Flor de Mato
Phal Royal Amber Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Lady Doreen
Phal Robert Sanders Moore Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Michael Oberling
Phal Raspberry Sundae Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Sun Spots
Phal Baldans Jelly Beans Phal Princess Kaiulani Phal Venetian Glow


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Re: Гибриды who is who

Phal Brecko Berrysweet Phal Sweet Memory Phal Berries n Cream
Phal Amber Delite Phal Teoh Tee Teong Phal amboinensis
Phal Beautiful Star Phal Untario Phal Winter Carnival
Dtps Mistrals Ruby Grebenosa Dtps Grebe Phal venosa
Dtps Myrna Albelo Dtps Jerry Vande Weghe Phal Irene Van Alstyne
Phal Emerald Beauty Phal African Queen Phal Meadow Lark
Phal Alberta Buddha Phal Arthur Zeller Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Douglas Weber Phal Cherokee Chief Phal Carnival
Phal Mulberry Phal Fancy Free Phal Hausermanns Chicago
Phal Jelly Bean Phal Magic Blaze Phal Cinnamon Candy
Phal Alberta Magic Phal Magic Blaze Phal Red Devil
Phal Alberta Welcome Phal Mahalo Phal Red Devil
Dtps Abed-nego Phal Malibu Imp Dtps Inferno
Phal Liberty Hill Phal Malibu Imp Phal Fire-Water
Phal Gottabe Red Phal Malibu Imp Phal Imps Pride
Phal Ruebe Zahl Phal Malibu Imp Phal Tiger Butter
Dtps Yuda Red Been Phal Prima Dor pulcherrima
Phal Memoria Elizabeth Meade Phal Princess Lorraine Phal Spica
Dtps Rebecca Mcmurdie Phal Star of Florida Dtps Coral Gleam
Phal Sogo Beer Phal Ta Lin Kaiulani Phal Queen Spot
Phal Bert Ordway Phal Carioca Phal Peties World
Phal Black Beauty Phal Coral Nosa Phal gigantea
Phal Yellow Beryl Phal Green Delight Phal Peter Wallbrunn
Phal Maria Isabella Vite Phal Hausermanns Galaxy Phal Kenneth Rudolph
Phal Camp Bells Phal Julia Wilson Phal Golden Bells
Dtps Amazing Beauty Phal Spirit House Dtps Zuma White Puff
Phal Dorabella Phal Brittle Star Phal Dos Pueblos
Phal Venusberg Phal Brittle Star Phal venosa
Phal Harriette Lineberger Phal Preamble Phal Deventeriana
Phal Alberta Demon Phal Red Devil Phal Rice Cracker
Phal Alberta Flare Phal Red Devil Phal Zadian
Phal Alberta Sunspot Phal Red Devil Phal amboinensis
Phal Amber Lynn Phal Seminole Phal Frosty Sport
Phal Selsals Banana Sherbet Phal Gold And Spots Phal Bright Morning
Phal Robert Moses Phal Old Gold Phal Prospectors Dream
Phal Maria-Theresia Berod Phal wilsonii Phal amabilis


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48 057
20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Я сейчас занимаюсь составлением БД. На данный момент 65 500 гибридов :)
Вот пока все асконопсисы. Фотки быстро найти ко всем не обещаю!
Ascps Cherub
Ascps Dawn Joy
Ascps Diminutive
Ascps Feetz Cornwell
Ascps Freckles
Ascps Gail Cohen
Ascps George Robbins
Ascps Happy Few
Ascps Hearts Delight
Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Kaleidoscope
Ascps Kiri Te Kanawa
Ascps Laura
Ascps Leo Yap
Ascps Margie Robbins
Ascps Memoria Judy Tzur
Ascps Memoria Majl Ewing
Ascps Memoria Maurice Wallbrunn
Ascps Memoria Richard Miller
Ascps Mini-Coral
Ascps Never-Never
Ascps Nugget
Ascps Orange Atom
Ascps Orange Glow
Ascps Orange Sparkler
Ascps Orchid Classics
Ascps Peachfuzz
Ascps Peachy
Ascps Rayna Wallbrunn
Ascps Sirena
Ascps Sunny Mcquerry
Ascps Taisuco Kumquat
Ascps Vivacious Vixen
Ascps Zuma Canyon


Команда форума
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20 222
Re: Гибриды who is who

Они же с мамами и папами
Ascps Cherub Phal Dos Pueblos Ascps Rayna Wallbrunn
Ascps Dawn Joy Phal Winter Beauty Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Diminutive Phal denevei Asctm miniatum
Ascps Feetz Cornwell Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal lueddemanniana
Ascps Freckles Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal fuscata
Ascps Gail Cohen Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal El Capitan
Ascps George Robbins Phal Best Girl Asctm miniatum
Ascps Happy Few Phal Happy Birthday Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Hearts Delight Phal Dear Heart Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Doris Asctm miniatum
Ascps Kaleidoscope Phal Chucks Red Lip Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Kiri Te Kanawa Phal violacea Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Laura Phal Dos Pueblos Ascps Feetz Cornwell
Ascps Leo Yap Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal White Angel
Ascps Margie Robbins Phal Best Girl Asctm curvifolium
Ascps Memoria Judy Tzur Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Fairway Park
Ascps Memoria Majl Ewing Phal Zada Asctm miniatum
Ascps Memoria Maurice Wallbrunn Phal denevei Asctm curvifolium
Ascps Memoria Richard Miller Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Juanita
Ascps Mini-Coral Phal schilleriana Asctm miniatum
Ascps Never-Never Phal Micro Nova Asctm miniatum
Ascps Nugget Phal Midlip Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Orange Atom Phal Venus Asctm curvifolium
Ascps Orange Glow Ascps Irene Dobkin Asctm miniatum
Ascps Orange Sparkler Phal serpentilingua Asctm miniatum
Ascps Orchid Classics Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman
Ascps Peachfuzz Phal Memoria Woody Marceil Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Peachy Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Baguio
Ascps Rayna Wallbrunn Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal Dos Pueblos
Ascps Sirena Phal Lady Doreen Ascps Irene Dobkin
Ascps Sunny Mcquerry Phal Sunny Asctm miniatum
Ascps Taisuco Kumquat Ascps Irene Dobkin Phal equestris
Ascps Vivacious Vixen Phal equestris Asctm Sagarik Gold
Ascps Zuma Canyon Phal Mattie Mae Chambers Ascps Irene Dobkin


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Виолацейные гибриды Фаленопсисов

Гибриды с "папой" - виолацеей
Dtps Siegfried Dux -Dtps Kenneth Schubert Phal Luedde-violacea
Phal Bright Ruby -Phal Glades Violet хPhal Luedde-violacea
Phal Frank Griechen- Phal violacea х Phal Amber Violacea
Phal George Vasquez-Phal violacea х Phal Luedde-violacea
Phal Paiho Ruby- Phal George Vasquez х Phal Luedde-violacea ароматный
Phal Penang Jewel -Phal violacea х Phal Penang Violacea


1 314
Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Настя, фоточки бы!!! А запах все виолацейные гибриды наследуют?


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Где мама - виолацея
Arnps Khalsom -Phal violacea x Arach hookeriana
Arnps Miiko Tan -Phal violacea x Arach Ishbel
Ascps Kiri Te Kanawa -Phal violacea x Ascps Irene Dobkin
Dllps Hooda Thunkit -Phal violacea x Drlla Tiny
Dtps Balkans Feuer -Phal violacea x Dtps Mosel
Dtps Double Bubble -Phal violacea x Dtps Lady Jewel
Dtps Enzomondo -Phal violacea x Dtps Eva Jones
Dtps Enzomondo Porpora -Phal violacea x Dtps Pretty Nice
Dtps Eva Lange -Phal violacea x Dtps Melanie Beard
Dtps Fathers Day -Phal violacea x Dtps Memoria Clarence Schubert
Dtps Fire Opal -Phal Luedde-violacea x Dtps Red Coral
Dtps Fuchsia Imp -Phal Luedde-violacea x Dtps Malibu Queen
Dtps Hawaiian Ruby -Phal violacea x Dtps Swauk Pass
Dtps Kathy Bove -Phal violacea x Dtps Christmas
Dtps Kenneth Schubert -Phal violacea x Dor pulcherrima
Dtps King Camay -Phal violacea x Dtps Jerri Sue King
Dtps Lilac Time -Phal violacea x Dtps Charm
Dtps Little Red -Phal violacea x Dtps Red Elf
Dtps Ng Geok Kwe -Phal violacea x Dtps Malaysian Beauty
Dtps Paskal Bintang -Phal violacea x Dtps Si Kancil
Dtps Pimlico Stripe -Phal violacea x Dtps Amy Campbell
Dtps Pisgah Red -Phal violacea x Dtps Dade Girl
Dtps Purple Martin -Phal violacea x Dtps Kenneth Schubert
Dtps Queen Scarlet -Phal violacea x Dtps Coral Gleam
Dtps Stone Memory -Phal violacea x Dtps James Hall
Dtps Violet -Phal violacea x Dtps Red Coral
Dtps Violet Happy -Phal violacea x Dtps Happy Day
Phal Aalia Abdulali -Phal violacea x Phal Hi Boy
Phal Abendstern -Phal violacea x Phal Vallehigh
Phal Alberta Chinook -Phal violacea x Phal Red Devil
Phal Alberta Sunset -Phal violacea x Phal Malibu Fascination
Phal Always -Phal violacea x Phal Debbie Dramm
Phal Amber Violacea -Phal violacea x Phal Malaysian Star
Phal Amethyst -Phal violacea x Phal Elinor Shaffer
Phal Andakusia -Phal violacea x Phal Aruba
Phal Annapolis -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Therese Frackowiak
Phal Arnie Linsman -Phal violacea x Phal El Tigre
Phal Auroral Blush -Phal violacea x Phal Safari
Phal Auspice Beryl -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Spica
Phal Autumn Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Autumn Glow
Phal Balcones Sunset -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Balcones
Phal Baldans Summer Stars -Phal violacea x Phal Buddhas Gem
Phal Balkans Rot-Gold -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Elsa Munz
Phal Batik -Phal violacea x Phal Spica
Phal Beach Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Palm Beach
Phal Bee Ridge -Phal violacea x Phal fuscata
Phal Bellatrix -Phal violacea x Phal Antarctic
Phal Bettylee Burke -Phal violacea x Phal Zada
Phal Bill Freeman -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Wilbur Graves
Phal Bintang -Phal violacea x Phal Leucorrhoda
Phal Black Point -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Princess Samba
Phal Blushing Bride -Phal violacea x Phal New Horizon
Phal Blushing Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Marmouset
Phal Bonita Roja -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Violet Charm
Phal Bornean Emerald -Phal violacea x Phal Bee Ridge
Phal Bornean Gem -Phal violacea x Phal Aalia Abdulali
Phal Borneo Butter -Phal violacea x Phal Hampshire Butter
Phal Brecko Viodoke -Phal violacea x Phal Okee Doke
Phal Brimstone -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Samba
Phal Bryher -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Eye Dee
Phal Buena Jewel -Phal violacea x Phal Gelblieber
Phal Buena Ritas Delight -Phal violacea x Phal Sweet Memory
Phal Burning Sand -Phal violacea x Phal Seminole
Phal Cancun -Phal violacea x Phal Easter Sunrise
Phal Candle Glow -Phal violacea x Phal Allspice
Phal Carmen Coll -Phal violacea x Phal Ella Freed
Phal Cebu -Phal violacea x Phal Samba
Phal Celebes Violet -Phal violacea x Phal celebensis
Phal Chan Chee Meng -Phal Penang Violacea x Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Chiayi Yellow Green -Phal violacea x Phal Coral Nosa
Phal Cinderella -Phal violacea x Phal Rosy Pam
Phal Cinnamon Desert -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Cinnamon Candy
Phal Claudia Creasy -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Cinnamon Stick
Phal Confederate Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Southern Star
Phal Coolmint -Phal violacea x Phal Treasure Island
Phal Cornings Violet -Phal violacea x Phal corningiana
Phal Country Music -Phal violacea x Phal Malani
Phal Crimson Cherub -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal mariae
Phal Crow -Phal violacea x Phal Arthur Zeller
Phal Crown Jewel -Phal violacea x Phal Queen Of Hearts
Phal Crushed Velvet -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Dads Help -Phal violacea x Phal Crow
Phal David Bijan -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Spinner
Phal Deep Intrigue -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Flor de Mato
Phal Delicia De Caso -Phal violacea x Phal Winter Carnival
Phal Derbyshire Spar -Phal violacea x Phal Flor de Mato
Phal Dianas Gem -Phal violacea x Phal Diana
Phal Doktor Achim Herklotz -Phal violacea x Phal Mad Conklin
Phal Donald Noll -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Veitchiana
Phal Dragons Jewel -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal venosa
Phal Early Spring -Phal violacea x Phal Tyler Carlson
Phal Easter Parade -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Doris
Phal Edwin Hausermann -Phal violacea x Phal Mariposa
Phal Enzomondo Leopardo -Phal violacea x Phal Lovely Lee
Phal Equalacea -Phal violacea x Phal equestris
Phal Ernest Dobbs -Phal violacea x Phal Macassar
Phal Eugene Hamamoto -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Mrs Lester Mccoy
Phal Eugene Hausermann -Phal violacea x Phal Edythe Wood
Phal Evening Cloud -Phal violacea x Phal Lippezauber
Phal Faith Leebell Cowden -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Favored Child -Phal violacea x Phal Morning Mist
Phal Floral Bukit Cagar -Phal violacea x Phal Suziana Wijanto
Phal Florida Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Gertrude Beard
Phal Franca Spinola -Phal violacea x Phal Sonnentau
Phal Frank Griechen -Phal violacea x Phal Amber Violacea
Phal Freddie Adams -Phal violacea x Phal Keith Shaffer
Phal Freeds Choice -Phal violacea x Phal Chucks Red Lip
Phal Freeds Coquette -Phal violacea x Phal Sonja
Phal Freeds Delicious -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Mrs J H Veitch
Phal Frehsonkes Candy Stick -Phal violacea x Phal Sabra
Phal French Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Givre
Phal Fribourg -Phal violacea x Phal inscriptiosinensis
Phal Gabriel Schumacher -Phal violacea x Phal Mad Hatter
Phal Gay Heart -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Red Lip
Phal George Vasquez -Phal violacea x Phal Luedde-violacea
Phal Georgianne -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Morzine
Phal Germaine Vincent -Phal violacea x Phal speciosa
Phal Glad Violacea -Phal violacea x Phal Be Glad
Phal Glades Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Daryl Beard
Phal Glaring Taiwan -Phal violacea x Phal Liu Tuen-Shen
Phal Golden Taiwan -Phal violacea x Phal Golden Sands
Phal Green Idol -Phal violacea x Phal Mambo
Phal Greifswald -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Bruce Shaffer
Phal Grosbeak -Phal violacea x Phal George Vasquez
Phal Guataparo -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Miami Maid
Phal Gwen Matthews -Phal violacea x Phal Lillie Wooldridge
Phal Habbit -Phal violacea x Phal Eva Lou
Phal Hans Burgeff -Phal violacea x Phal sanderiana
Phal Harfords Jewel -Phal violacea x Phal Tabasco Tex
Phal Harriettiae -Phal violacea x Phal amabilis
Phal Hausermanns Accent -Phal violacea x Phal Hausermanns Candy
Phal Hausermanns Addison -Phal violacea x Phal Abram Mcandless
Phal Hausermanns Aquarius -Phal violacea x Phal Miami Maid
Phal Hausermanns Athena -Phal violacea x Phal Lipstick
Phal Hausermanns Lacey -Phal violacea x Phal Hausermanns Gold Lace
Phal Hausermanns Treasure -Phal violacea x Phal Betty Heuermann
Phal Hawaiian Memory -Phal violacea x Phal Round Rock
Phal Helen Ng -Phal violacea x Phal Coral Isles
Phal Henny -Phal violacea x Phal Marquise
Phal Hitomi Watanabe -Phal violacea x Phal Kinu White Bear
Phal Homer Road -Phal violacea x Phal Corona
Phal Horace Kadoorie -Phal violacea x Phal Pink Palm
Phal Hunabu Celeste -Phal violacea x Phal Golden Buddha
Phal Illusion -Phal violacea x Phal Concorde
Phal Imagenes -Phal violacea x Phal Bamboo Baby
Phal Initial -Phal violacea x Phal Fairway Park
Phal Intensity -Phal violacea x Phal Inspiration
Phal Ipoh Beauty -Phal Penang Violacea x Phal Sulaceous
Phal Ipoh Girl -Phal Penang Violacea x Phal speciosa
Phal Isendor -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal fasciata
Phal Ivy Lee Thompson -Phal violacea x Phal Redwine
Phal Iwan Kolopaking -Phal violacea x Phal parishii
Phal Jac-Qui -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal cochlearis
Phal Jaipur -Phal violacea x Phal Misty Green
Phal James Herman -Phal violacea x Phal Amado Vazquez
Phal Jason Jason -Phal violacea x Phal Lavender Ribbon
Phal Java -Phal violacea x Phal fimbriata
Phal Jennie Parnata -Phal violacea x Phal Grand Conde
Phal Jennifer Marie Losert -Phal violacea x Phal Teresa Winkelmann
Phal Jessicacea -Phal violacea x Phal Princess Jessica
Phal Joe Samuels -Phal violacea x Phal Sparkle
Phal John Sherwood -Phal violacea x Phal Mistylace
Phal Josh Stewart -Phal violacea x Phal Norman
Phal Joviola -Phal violacea x Phal Joseph Hampton
Phal Jungle Treasure -Phal violacea x Phal Golden Heiko
Phal Kahori -Phal violacea x Phal Silky White
Phal Kari Stromsland -Phal violacea x Phal Career Girl
Phal Kathleen Edris -Phal violacea x Phal Terri Cook
Phal Keela Bettencourt -Phal violacea x Phal Yellow Marquis
Phal Komet -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Redfan
Phal Kuangfengs Ruby -Phal violacea x Phal Kuangfengs Summer Sun
Phal Kuipo -Phal violacea x Phal Chieftain
Phal Kurt Hausermann -Phal violacea x Phal Mad Lips
Phal Lady Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Lady Gladys


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Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Phal Laja -Phal violacea x Phal Ruby Wells
Phal Lanny -Phal violacea x Phal schilleriana
Phal Laurie Lista -Phal violacea x Phal Hermosa
Phal Lavender Rose -Phal violacea x Phal Rose Parade
Phal Lee Koi Choon -Phal violacea x Phal Golden Pride
Phal Lemforde Success -Phal violacea x Phal Tiger Gold
Phal Lemforde Super Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Munsterland Stern
Phal Linda Henry -Phal violacea x Phal Cindy Brandt
Phal Linda Lista -Phal violacea x Phal Capitola
Phal Lipanda Jewel -Phal violacea x Phal Barbara Moler
Phal Little Darlin -Phal violacea x Phal cochlearis
Phal Little Eclipse -Phal violacea x Phal Norman Peterson
Phal Little Rose -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Estrellita
Phal Little Ruby -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Dorisellita
Phal Lorry Baker -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Wappaoola
Phal Lotta Jones -Phal Amber Violacea x Phal Freeds Delectable
Phal Lucifer -Phal violacea x Phal Mahinhin
Phal Luedde-violacea -Phal violacea x Phal lueddemanniana
Phal Lung Chings Baby -Phal violacea x Phal javanica
Phal Luzacea -Phal violacea x Phal Mrs J H Veitch
Phal Lynn Dewey -Phal violacea x Phal Anna Tham
Phal Madame Charles Mattan -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal schilleriana
Phal Mae Samuels -Phal violacea x Phal Star of Amboina
Phal Magic Fire -Phal violacea x Phal Hymen
Phal Mahogany Star -Phal violacea x Phal Mancervi
Phal Malacea -Phal violacea x Phal mannii
Phal Malaysian Star -Phal violacea x Phal Susan Merkel
Phal Malibu Connoisseur -Phal violacea x Phal Ronnie Wilson
Phal Malibu Cupid -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Ella Freed
Phal Malibu Curtain Call -Phal violacea x Phal Clyde
Phal Malibu Damsel -Phal violacea x Phal Nicol Jean Orear
Phal Malibu Daredevil -Phal violacea x Phal Malibu Gold Lip
Phal Malibu Encore -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Arthur Freed
Phal Malibu Envoy -Phal violacea x Phal Go-Go Girl
Phal Malibu Heir -Phal violacea x Phal Ambomanniana
Phal Malibu Hint -Phal violacea x Phal Pin Up Girl
Phal Malibu Imp -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal amboinensis
Phal Malibu Impression -Phal violacea x Phal Pale Beauty
Phal Malibu Legend -Phal violacea x Phal Viroonchan
Phal Malibu Luck -Phal violacea x Phal Malibu River
Phal Malibu Marriage -Phal violacea x Phal Arthur Freed
Phal Malibu Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Grace Palm
Phal Manitoba -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Ambomanniana
Phal Marguerite Hagar -Phal violacea x Phal Nancy Lockhart
Phal Mary Andrews -Phal violacea x Phal Dos Pueblos
Phal Mary Watkin -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Parker
Phal Marzstern -Phal violacea x Phal Brandenburg
Phal Maude Lyon -Phal violacea x Phal Vergilles
Phal Maxine Heath -Phal violacea x Phal Wanda Williams
Phal Mayaimi -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal sumatrana
Phal Mayetta -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Spotted Moon
Phal Melanie Lyn -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Sumaqueen
Phal Memoria Alexander Kipnis -Phal violacea x Phal Cascade Crest
Phal Memoria Elvira Vazquez -Phal violacea x Phal Jane Mchenry
Phal Memoria Herbert Stroy -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Deventeriana
Phal Memoria Herta Losert -Phal violacea x Phal Betsy Rue
Phal Memoria Jay Dickinson -Phal violacea x Phal Sunfire
Phal Memoria Lettie Berg -Phal violacea x Phal Bandleader
Phal Memoria Robert Rosenblum -Phal violacea x Phal Class President
Phal Memoria Roy Lasswell -Phal violacea x Phal Ann-Zada
Phal Memoria Sadye Rosmarin -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Ski Patrol
Phal Memoria Stanley Shaffer -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Paula Hallenbeck
Phal Memphis Music -Phal violacea x Phal Music
Phal Mendacea -Phal violacea x Phal Nemesio Mendiola
Phal Michael Ooi -Phal violacea x Phal Lippeglut
Phal Minglee Ruby -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Paifangs Queen
Phal Mistrals Goldviolet -Phal violacea x Phal Hausermanns Goldcup
Phal Mistrals Mudpuppy -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Golden Gift
Phal Miva Fragrance -Phal violacea x Phal Zuma Gold
Phal Mok Choi Yew -Phal violacea x Phal gigantea
Phal Moon Shadow -Phal violacea x Phal Spotted Moon
Phal Morning Cloud -Phal violacea x Phal Renate Frese
Phal Mystic Melody -Phal violacea x Phal Opal Mountain
Phal Naoko Moriyama -Phal violacea x Phal Carnival Queen
Phal Nara De Valec -Phal violacea x Phal Impressionniste
Phal Navarre Vogue -Phal violacea x Phal Rosy Flora
Phal Nedras Violets -Phal violacea x Phal Nedra
Phal Nelly Blandon -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Dear One
Phal New Dawn -Phal violacea x Phal Orchid Acres
Phal Norman -Phal violacea x Phal fasciata
Phal Nubian Desert -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Painted Desert
Phal Paifangs Rascal -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Penang
Phal Painted Cave -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Juanita
Phal Pale Beauty -Phal violacea x Phal Lady Doreen
Phal Palm Star -Phal violacea x Phal Baguio
Phal Pamela Paramore -Phal violacea x Phal Barbara Freed Saltzman
Phal Party Time -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal New Glamour
Phal Pasadena Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Pasadena
Phal Paskal Blue -Phal violacea x Phal Clementi Pink
Phal Peachy Keen -Phal violacea x Phal Painted Desert
Phal Penang Girl -Phal violacea x Phal venosa
Phal Penang Golden Star -Phal violacea x Phal Ambonosa
Phal Penang Jewel -Phal violacea x Phal Penang Violacea
Phal Penang Violacea -Phal violacea x Phal micholitzii
Phal Penny Mustafa -Phal violacea x Phal Bridesmaid
Phal Pete Noll -Phal violacea x Phal Bettencourts Beauty
Phal Peter Lista -Phal violacea x Phal Cher Ann
Phal Phurplefetti -Phal violacea x Phal philippinense
Phal Pink Elf -Phal violacea x Phal Pinocchio
Phal Pink Girl -Phal violacea x Phal Judith Stromsland
Phal Pink Jubilee -Phal violacea x Phal Terry Teruko Robertson
Phal Pink Pussycat -Phal violacea x Phal Roswell
Phal Pink Waters -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Cher Ann
Phal Pip-Squeak -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Malibu Heir
Phal Pogner -Phal violacea x Phal Memoria Jay Dickinson
Phal Powdery Rose -Phal violacea x Phal Robert Pigors
Phal Prima -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Princess Kaiulani
Phal Prince Charming -Phal violacea x Phal Winged Victory
Phal Princess Kaiulani -Phal violacea x Phal amboinensis
Phal Princess Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Princess Kaiulani
Phal Principal Viola -Phal violacea x Phal Frank Mcclain
Phal Purple Heart -Phal violacea x Phal R H Montgomery
Phal Purple Star -Phal violacea x Phal Myra Wright
Phal Quito -Phal violacea x Phal Abendrot
Phal Ramphis -Phal violacea x Phal Mendacea
Phal Raspberry Jam -Phal violacea x Phal Golden Chief
Phal Ratna -Phal violacea x Phal Bee In
Phal Red Mist -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Mistinguett
Phal Red Rock -Phal violacea x Phal Lucie Hausermann
Phal Redland Star -Phal violacea x Phal Misty Pride
Phal Remscheid -Phal violacea x Phal Seestern
Phal Renee Freed -Phal violacea x Phal Show Girl
Phal Richard Hallberg -Phal violacea x Phal Lucifer
Phal Robbie Turner -Phal violacea x Phal Our Love Affair
Phal Rodeo -Phal violacea x Phal Elsa Munz
Phal Rose Petal -Phal violacea x Phal Ann Lovelace
Phal Royal Robe -Phal violacea x Phal Rothschildiana
Phal Royal Velvet -Phal violacea x Phal Kathleen Voelker
Phal Ruby Nichols -Phal violacea x Phal Harmony
Phal Ruth Chandler -Phal violacea x Phal Sabine Queen
Phal Sabre Dance -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Mambo
Phal San Sebastian -Phal violacea x Phal Estrella Rojo
Phal Sancho -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Corona
Phal Santas Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Star of Santa Cruz
Phal Sapphire -Phal violacea x Phal Pink Gin
Phal Shahnaz -Phal violacea x Phal Winnie Lam
Phal Sherryl Wamba -Phal violacea x Phal Peppermint
Phal Shim Mei Har -Phal violacea x Phal Shim Kah Kee
Phal Shingher Pure Love -Phal violacea x Phal Su-An Super Star
Phal Singapore Swing -Phal violacea x Phal Teoh Tee Teong
Phal Spider Web -Phal violacea x Phal Green Delight
Phal Spring Cheer -Phal violacea x Phal Spring Silk
Phal Spring Rain -Phal violacea x Phal maculata
Phal Spring Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Hans Burgeff
Phal Stacey Lynn Cox -Phal violacea x Phal Bruce Shaffer
Phal Star of Camay -Phal violacea x Phal Star of Rio
Phal Stephan Sebeseri -Phal violacea x Phal San Marcos
Phal Stone Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Prima
Phal Straits Imp -Phal violacea x Phal Malibu Imp
Phal Struber Charm -Phal violacea x Phal Cellinde
Phal Struber Dirndl -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal equestris


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Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Phal Struber Violine -Phal violacea x Phal Line Renaud
Phal Sue Meyer -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Coral Isles
Phal Sulaceous -Phal violacea x Phal sumatrana
Phal Summer Romance -Phal violacea x Phal Pink Lightning
Phal Summit Run -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Golden Pride
Phal Sun Crystal -Phal Penang Violacea x Phal amabilis
Phal Surabaja -Phal violacea x Phal Best Girl
Phal SussexViola -Phal violacea x Phal Temple Cloud
Phal Sweet Judy -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Judith Hausermann
Phal Sweet Memory -Phal violacea x Phal Deventeriana
Phal Sweet Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Sally Lowrey
Phal Tahan -Phal violacea x Phal Rosy Charm
Phal Taichung Plum -Phal violacea x Phal Ira Gershwin
Phal Taisuco Blacea -Phal violacea x Phal Taisuco Bright
Phal Taiwan Man -Phal violacea x Phal Penang
Phal Tan Swee Kim -Phal violacea x Phal Valentinii
Phal Teoh Tee Teong -Phal violacea x Phal Mok Choi Yew
Phal Terry -Phal violacea x Phal Thomas Tucker
Phal Tevia -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal gigantea
Phal Thai Dye -Phal violacea x Phal Jimmy Hall
Phal Therese Frackowiak -Phal violacea x Phal Doris
Phal Think Pink -Phal violacea x Phal Jubilee
Phal Titillation Pink -Phal violacea x Phal Queen Emma
Phal Torchlight -Phal violacea x Phal Kenneth Benjamin
Phal Tropical Violet -Phal violacea x Phal Tropic Sunset
Phal Tzu Mu Hsieh -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Arizona Sunset
Phal Untario -Phal violacea x Phal Tigerette
Phal Uta Schmalstieg -Phal violacea x Phal Schaumburg
Phal Valentinii -Phal violacea x Phal cornu-cervi
Phal Verlacea -Phal violacea x Phal Vercors
Phal Vicadi -Phal violacea x Phal Cadifa
Phal Vilind -Phal violacea x Phal lindenii
Phal Vilisa -Phal violacea x Phal Elisa
Phal Vintage Pink -Phal violacea x Phal Roselle
Phal Viogloria -Phal violacea x Phal Alice Gloria
Phal Viola Ruby -Phal violacea x Phal Princess Ruby
Phal Violet Charm -Phal violacea x Phal mariae
Phal Violet King -Phal violacea x Phal Kinglet
Phal Violet Mist -Phal violacea x Phal Summit Snow
Phal Violet Oaks -Phal violacea x Phal Thousand Oaks
Phal Violet Ruler -Phal violacea x Phal Hakalau Ruler
Phal Violet Star -Phal violacea x Phal Intermedia
Phal Violita -Phal violacea x Phal Juanita
Phal Vioqueen -Phal violacea x Phal Gladys Read
Phal Viovenus -Phal violacea x Phal Venus
Phal Vista Distinction -Phal violacea x Phal Freeds Distinction
Phal Walking Tall -Phal violacea x Phal Lauralin
Phal Waltz Time -Phal violacea x Phal New Symphony
Phal Wildfire -Phal Luedde-violacea x Phal Far Horizon
Phal William Louis Stern -Phal violacea x Phal Little Leopard
Phal Xanadu -Phal violacea x Phal Sandra Tullis Galaxy
Phal Zauberkoch -Phal violacea x Phal Zauberrose
Phal Zuma Beach -Phal violacea x Phal Memoria Romaine Champagne
Phal Zuma Beauty -Phal violacea x Phal Mattie Mae Chambers
Phal Zuma Elf -Phal violacea x Phal stuartiana
Phal Zuma Meadow -Phal violacea x Phal Joey
Phal Zuma Spirit -Phal violacea x Phal Zuma Harmony
Phal Zuma Sunglow -Phal violacea x Phal Hawaiian Sunshine
Phal Zuma Truffle -Phal violacea x Phal Freeds Connoisseur
Phal Zuma Vamp -Phal violacea x Phal Debbie Wallace
Phal Zuma Violet -Phal violacea x Phal James McPherson
Phal Zuma Zani -Phal violacea x Phal Malibu Girl
Phal Zumas Royal Stripe -Phal violacea x Phal Ana Hernandez
Phdps Violissa -Phal Luedde-violacea x Vdps lissochiloides
Phlla Robert Weltz -Phal violacea x King philippinensis
Rnthps Thai Silk -Phal violacea x Rnthps Dana


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Забава - ну я же не волшебник, я только учусь. Фотки всех найти нереально - некоторые гибриды слишком старые и больше не воспроизводятся. Какие-то надо сканировать, какие-то искать. Постепенно постараюсь найти но... не быстро - факт.


Команда форума
48 057
20 222
Re: Виолацейные гибриды

Celebes Violet

Corning's Violet

Essence Yuhmei
