я лично нет, но на каттлеях положительные отзывы публикуют. Фаленопсисах. По сути я хочу для адениумов взять (стимулировать точки роста от среза, удобно куст формировать так). Поэтому, я так понимаю, это работает на любом растении. Суть в воздействии пасты.
Вот чего с ибея:
y applying KEIKI POWER PRO to your Phalaenopsis, Dendrobiums, and other orchids, the active ingredient will stimulate growth of a new plant. When the new keiki is big enough, you can transplant it and you will have an identical clone of your mother plant!

To apply to Dendrobiums, Cattleyas, Oncidiums, or other orchid types with pseudobulbs, you can apply it to the internodes on the pseudobulbs (Dendrobiums), at the base of the bulbs, or at the apex of the pseudobulb between the topmost leaves. Look for the "eyes" on your orchid plant where new growths or flower spikes emerge typically emerge.
KEIKI POWER PRO is based on plant science. All plants respond to biochemical signals which cause the plant to do various things, such as grow more leaves, extend roots, or grow new keikis. The active ingredient in KEIKI POWER PRO is a substance that tells the plant to produce a new keiki. With KEIKI POWER PRO, the keiki-inducing active ingredient is concentrated at one location. The paste itself that carries the active is water repellent, meaning that the active is kept where it is needed and you can water normally. (Reapplications may be necessary.)